
Remote Inspection Technologies is a premier provider of inland robotic inspection services. Our diversified fleet of Internal Pipeline Crawlers, Remote Operated Vehicles, Sensor Platforms, LIDAR Systems and stand-alone Camera Systems ensures that RIT has the right tool for the job.

Note: RIT does not sell equipment. We provide inspection services and rentals.
Designed with performance and reliability in mind, our crawler vehicles can operate in the toughest of environments.  If you are working on a nuclear reactor, inspecting many miles of a sewer pipe, or searching for survivors after a natural disaster, we have the system for you.
As a stand-alone unit or part of a complete robotic system, we offer a complete line of remotely operated camera systems for use in air or underwater.
RIT's Remote Operated Vehicle fleet is among the largest in the inland marketplace. Our fleet ranges from one of the smallest ROVs on the market to a mid-class system capable of long range tunnel penetrations.
When the operation requires more than just a visual assessment, RIT can provide a broad range of sensor options to provide the required data.
Remote Inspection Technologies
23083 Highway 190 E, Robert, Louisiana, USA 70455 - Telephone.985-662-0755
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